Mark 12:30

And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment. Mark 12:30

Friday, June 24, 2011

Catching up!

Psalms 51:12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.

Where do I begin?  Michael and I attend a marriage seminar with Pastor Jimmy Evan and his wife Karen!  If you ever get an opportunity to attend one of their seminars you will be bless beyond measures.  We even renew our was very special!  God is So Good to have Bless my life with my husband!!

In March both my girls had birthdays, my Baby Girl Sarah turn 18 years old! I pray that the Word will be a lamp unto her feet as she continues her walk with the Lord.  Rachel the baby turn 12, I am so bless that the Lord listen to Sarah and Christian's prayer for the Lord to add one more to our family.

April 18th was the anniversary of my father's death, he has been gone for 41 years!  Even though he's been gone for a VERY long time, I still find myself thinking about him and how his life was taken and how he was taken from us when we were so very young.  I thank God for being there for me...even though sometimes I didn't know it. His word says He would never leave us or forsake us and that is so true.

Mother's day was great and as I often say "the Lord has bless me with amazing children!!"  We also took my mother in law to visit her mothers grave in Bridgeport.  I love to hear her talk about her momma and her life growing up. I also turn 49 and I thank God for every day that He has given me.  But even in my joyfulness, I still miss my mom, she was an amazing women and I know one day I will see her again.

Psalm 104  33 I will sing to the LORD all my life;
   I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.
34 May my meditation be pleasing to him,
   as I rejoice in the LORD.

During this month we loss my brother in law David, my sister Lola's husband.  I was honor that my sister ask me to speak on her behalf at his visitation service/Rosary.  I can only pray that what I said touch and minister to the many family and friends.  Even though David loss his battle with the deadly decease he actually won the bigger price...eternity in heaven.

Now we're in June!!  My Sarah graduated on June 5th and we are so proud of her.  The thing I am most proud of Sarah is that she shares her faith with her friends.  I like to tell the story of a young man that was her classmate and band member.  Starting in the 9th grade Sarah would often talk about the Lord and how she loved God.  This young man would always tell her that he did not believe in God and Sarah would tell him "I'm going to pray for you" and he would say "you don't have to do that because I don't believe in any God."  Sarah was faithful and obedient to God and she continue to pray for him.  Well as you know Our God is an AWESOME GOD!!  This young man came to know and accept Jesus as his Savior and even attended church with Sarah!!

Father's Day!  This day was great!  We started by going to church and hearing Pastor John Spurling speak about the wilderness!  I thank God that Michael is such a good and wonderful dad,  I love him so much!  I am bone of his bone.   My sister Lola also attended church with us and I pray that the Lord will fill the void she has for David.  Later we took Michael out to lunch at the Olive Garden Restaurant and then later in the day we went to the cemetery to visit my father in law.  It was wonderful, we held hands and sang Amazing Grace and One Day at a Time and we sung it in Spanish!  We really miss him so much and often find ourselves talking and remembering him!

Today, was another wonderful day, even though the first part was doing house chores.  My son who has a big heart for Israel talk to me about one of the lost tribes of Israel and he spoken with such passion, I know that God is going to do great things with him. 

Looking back I can only be amazed of how Good God is!  He is so faithful and He loves me unconditionally. I pray that I am instilling in my children Godly values and they in turn will do the same with their children.  I thank God for ending the curse in my life.

Lamentations 3

 22 Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed,
   for his compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning;
   great is your faithfulness.
24 I say to myself, “The LORD is my portion;
   therefore I will wait for him.”